The Profile, the student newspaper
of Agnes Scott College (little
place outside of Atlanta that you've never heard of), has a long-standing
tradition of the April Fools' Day paper, in which all seriousness is
abandoned for the sake of the craziest and/or more satirical stories
the staff can create. In some years the Low Profile, as it's
generically called (each issue has its own special P-name), is
the most-read issue.
Then, in 1997, an "editor"
who thought she was God's gift to college journalism decided there was
no room for such "frivolity". Unfortunately, she had already
alienated her staff with her lack of professional courtesy, ethics,
and skills, and they basically pronounced a giant "fuck you"
upon her and went off to make it themselves, soliciting donations of
time, money, and materials from the campus community.
The result was the Pastiche--written
in two or three sessions of creative exuberance, with dork moments galore,
accompanied by an overdose of chocolate and Star Wars, and cobbled
into final form in an 16-hour all-nighter the day before spring break.
Maybe it wasn't the greatest of the
Low Profiles.
But as far as we know, it's the only
one online!